Daffodils warm color

Daffodils warm color

الثلاثاء، 31 مارس 2015


FoxgloveDigitalis is a genus of about 20 species of herbaceous perennials, shrubs, and biennials commonly called foxgloves. This genus was traditionally placed in the figwort family Scrophulariaceae, but recent phylogenetic research has placed it in the much enlarged family Plantaginaceae. This genus is native to western and southwestern Europe, western and central Asia, Australasia and northwestern Africa. The scientific name means "finger-like"...

Wild baby animals

Wild baby animalsDoe and Fawn ? How do I climb this t...

Dreamy nature

Dreamy natureCathedral Beach, SpainAitutaki, Cook Isla...

Pulsatilla grandis - Greater Pasque Flower

Pulsatilla grandis - Greater Pasque FlowerPulsatilla grandis, or the Greater Pasque Flower, is a species of flowering plant in the genus Pulsatilla of the family Ranunculaceae. It is a perennial plant that grows on calcium-rich soil in dry grasslands, in rocky outcrops, and in pine and oak forests. It flowers from February to April, in the time of the Easter (which gives it its name), with intensively blue to violet flowers. Its silk stalk is protected...

The wonders of a sunset

The wonders of a sunsetClouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky. Rabindranath Tag...

الأحد، 29 مارس 2015

Night sky lights

Night sky lightsHotel and Igloo Village Kakslauttanen - Lapland, FinlandMoonlight Aurora. Namsos, Nor...

Beautiful sunset

Beautiful sunsetSunset in AlaskaSunset boat in Honefoss, Nor...

Our wonderful world

Our wonderful worldCalanque d'En-Vau, FranceSecluded Vibrance - Douglas Falls, West Virgi...

Stunning sunset

Stunning sunsetLonely boat in a beautiful Sunset at the Canggu coastal village on the south coast of Bali, IndonesiaSwan at sunset in Hellersdorf, Berlin, Germ...

Amazing Flowers

Amazing FlowersHyacinthus orientalis , Yellow QueenDahlia , Ruby Mur...

Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Ruby-throated HummingbirdThe ruby-throated hummingbird is migratory, spending most of the winter in southern Mexico and Central America, as far south as extreme western Panama, the West Indies, and southern Florida. During migration, some birds embark on a nonstop 900 mile journey across the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean from Panama to the Gulf Coast. The bird breeds throughout the eastern United States, east of the 100th meridian, and in southern...

Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Ruby-throated HummingbirdThe ruby-throated hummingbird (Archilochus colubris) is a species of hummingbird. As with all hummingbirds, this species belongs to the family Trochilidae and is currently included in the order Apodiformes. This species is the most common type of hummingbird that regularly nests east of the Mississippi River in North America, normally in the east-central and middle and lower East Coast ar...

Tulipa Ballade

Tulipa BalladeTulipa 'Ballade' with its purple flower petals and white margins and T. ‘Ballade Dream’ with its yellow marg...

Winter wonderland

Winter wonderlandLovely Win...

Beautiful spectacle

Beautiful spectacleTurquoise Stream, Havasupai Indian Reservation, Grand Canyon, Arizona, United StatesThe Big Hole, Kimberley in the Northern Cape, South Afr...

السبت، 28 مارس 2015

Red panda

Red pandaThe red panda , also called lesser panda and red cat-bear, is a small arboreal mammal native to the eastern Himalayas and south-western China that has been classified as vulnerable by IUCN as its wild population is estimated at less than 10,000 mature individuals. The population continues to decline and is threatened by habitat loss and fragmentation, poaching, and inbreeding depression, although red pandas are protected by national laws...

Stunning Silhouette Shots

Stunning Silhouette ShotsBird on a pagewire fence at sunsetBeautiful Butterfly in Glowing Sun...

Dreamy nature

Dreamy naturePink Moss Bridges, IrelandFrozen blue ri...

الجمعة، 27 مارس 2015

Snowy sunset

Snowy sunsetWinter's beautyWinter sun...

Lilac-breasted roller

Lilac-breasted rollerThe lilac-breasted roller is a member of the roller family of birds. It is widely distributed in sub-Saharan Africa and the southern Arabian Peninsula, preferring open woodland and savanna; it is largely absent from treeless places. Usually found alone or in pairs, it perches conspicuously at the tops of trees, poles or other high vantage points from where it can spot insects, lizards, scorpions, snails, small birds and rodents...

Around the world

Around the worldHirosaki Castle in Spring , JapanEiffel Tower , Paris - Fra...

الخميس، 26 مارس 2015

Melaleuca pulchella

Melaleuca pulchellaMelaleuca pulchella, commonly known as the claw flower, is a woody shrub of the Myrtaceae family native to Western Australia. Growing as a spreading shrub, Melaleuca pulchella may grow anywhere from 30 cm to 1.7 m (or rarely 3 m) high. The numerous arching branches bear many small leaves which are ovate to elliptic in shape and measure 0.2–0.6 cm in length by 0.1–0.3 cm wide. The leaf undersides have large oil glands. Appearing...

Field Of Dreams

Field Of DreamsSunrise in Texas BlueBonnets - Ennis County, Te...

Lovely Winter

Lovely WinterWinter at Bryce Canyon, UtahCanton of Graubunden, Switzerl...

Stunning sunset

Stunning sunsetSunset at Kiholo Bay, Big Island of HawaiiSunset in Asian Palmyra palm, Thail...

Awesome views

Awesome viewsLake Plastiris, GreeceRocky Harbour (a town) at sunset, Newfoundl...

Aurora moonset

Aurora moonsetAurora borealis, Sommaroy, Nor...

The splendid fairywren

The splendid fairywrenLike other fairywrens, the splendid fairywren is notable for several peculiar behavioural characteristics; birds are socially monogamous and sexually promiscuous, meaning that although they form pairs between one male and one female, each partner will mate with other individuals and even assist in raising the young from such trysts. Male wrens pluck pink or purple petals and display them to females as part of a courtship di...

Splendid Fairywren

Splendid FairywrenThe splendid fairywren, also known simply as the splendid wren or more colloquially in Western Australia as the blue wren, is a passerine bird of the Maluridae family. It is found across much of the Australian continent from central-western New South Wales and southwestern Queensland over to coastal Western Australia. It inhabits predominantly arid and semi-arid regions. Exhibiting a high degree of sexual dimorphism, the male in...

Pretty rose

Pretty roseRose Hot ChocolatePeach Pink R...