Daffodils warm color

Daffodils warm color

الاثنين، 25 مايو 2015


FuchsiaFuchsia is a genus of flowering plants that consists mostly of shrubs or small trees. The first, Fuchsia triphylla, was discovered on the Caribbean island of Hispaniola (present day Dominican Republic and Haiti) about 1696–1697 by the French Minim monk and botanist, Charles Plumier during his third expedition to the Greater Antilles. He named the new genus after the renowned German botanist Leonhart Fuchs 1501–1...

Thailand Lantern Festival

Thailand Lantern FestivalThe Lanna people of northern Thailand use "floating lanterns" year round, for celebrations and other special occasions. One very important festival in which sky lanterns are used is the Lanna Yi Peng festival, which is held on a full moon of the 2nd month of the Lanna calendar (which coincides with Loi Krathong, the traditional festival on the 12th month of the Thai lunar calendar). During the Yi Peng festival, a multitude...

Wintery and wooly

Wintery and woolyWintery and wooly - scene in Killybegs, County Donegal, Irel...



الأربعاء، 6 مايو 2015

Amazing Flowers

Amazing FlowersCrocus biflorus , Spring BeautyWhite Lapage...

الخميس، 30 أبريل 2015

French Polynesia

French Polynesia French Polynesia is divided into 5 groups of islands: The Society Islands archipelago composed of the Windward Islands and the Leeward Islands, the Tuamotu Archipelago, the Gambier Islands, the Marquesas Islands and the Austral Islands. Among its 118 islands and atolls, 67 are inhabitedTahiti, which is located within the Society Islands, is the most populous island and the seat of the capital of the collectivity, Pape'ete. Although...

Pretty Fuschia

Pretty FuschiaFuchsia is a genus of flowering plants that consists mostly of shrubs or small trees. The first, Fuchsia triphylla, was discovered on the Caribbean island of Hispaniola (present day Dominican Republic and Haiti) about 1696–1697 by the French Minim monk and botanist, Charles Plumier during his third expedition to the Greater Antil...

Japanese Lantern Flowers

Japanese Lantern FlowersPhysalis alkekengi (bladder cherry, Chinese lantern, Japanese-lantern, or winter cherry ) is a relative of P. peruviana (Cape gooseberry), easily identifiable by the larger, bright orange to red papery covering over its fruit, which resemble paper lanterns. It is native from southern Europe east across southern Asia to Japan. It is an herbaceous perennial plant growing to 40–60 cm tall, with spirally arranged leaves 6–12 cm...

Lily of the valley

Lily of the valleyLily of the valley, sometimes written lily-of-the-valley, scientific name Convallaria majalis, is a sweetly scented, highly poisonous woodland flowering plant that is native throughout the cool temperate Northern Hemisphere in Asia, and Europe. It is possibly the only species in the genus Convallaria. In the APG III system, the genus is placed in the family Asparagaceae, subfamily Nolinoideae (formerly the family Ruscaceae). It...

Pretty rose

Pretty rose Roses are native primarily to the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Most rose species are native to Asia, with smaller numbers being native to North America and a few to Europe and northwest AfricaRoses from different regions of the world hybridize readily, giving rise to types that overlap the parental forms, and making it difficult to determine basic species. Of the more than 100 species of roses, fewer than 10 species...


GladiolusGladiolus is a genus of perennial bulbous flowering plants in the iris family (Iridaceae). It is sometimes called the 'Sword lily', but usually by its generic name (plural gladioli). The genus occurs in Asia, Mediterranean Europe, South Africa, and tropical Africa. The center of diversity is in the Cape Floristic Region. The genera Acidanthera, Anomalesia, Homoglossum, and Oenostachys, formerly considered distinct, are now included in G...

Muscari Armeniacum

Muscari ArmeniacumMuscari armeniacum is a bulbous plant of the genus Muscari with basal, simple leaves and short, flowering stems. It is one of a number of species and genera known as Grape Hyacinth, in this case Armenian Grape Hyacinth or Garden Grape-hyacinth. The flowers are purple, blue (with a white fringe), white  or pale pink (var "Pink Sunrise") and the plants are usually 15 centimetres tall. M. armeniacum blooms in mid-Spring (April...

Pretty Dahlia

Pretty DahliaDahlia Honour FrancisPretty Dahlia Candy C...

Pretty Tulips

Pretty TulipsTulipa BallerinaTulips , Blue Par...

Pretty Flowers

Pretty FlowersAwesome white orchidFringe Lilly, Asparagaceae Thysanotus sp. Cape Arid National Park, Western Austra...

Awesome flowers

Awesome flowersOrchidPretty Yellow LotusAsiatic Lily Deep ...

الأربعاء، 29 أبريل 2015

Beautiful View

Beautiful ViewSlovenian capital LjubljanaBeautiful View of Blue Mosque in Istanbul, Tur...

Pretty Flowers

Pretty FlowersFloribunda RosesOrch...

Flower of Trichosanthes cucumerina

Flower of Trichosanthes cucumerinaTrichosanthes cucumerina is a tropical or subtropical vine, its variety T. cucumerina var. anguina raised for its strikingly long fruit, used as a vegetable, medicine, and in crafting traditional Australian musical instruments known as didgeridoos. Common names of the cultivated variety include snake gourd, serpent gourd, chichinda and padwal. Trichosanthes cucumerina is found in the wild across much of South and...

Oh so cute

Oh so cuteMother and baby ow...

Beautiful nature

Beautiful natureBeautiful Autumn in RomaniaHvitserkur, an animal shaped petrified lava-rock formation in the north of Iceland (Island), pictured on one glorious summer sunr...

Charming and Beauty

Charming and BeautyRound and Round Eddy Pewit's Nest near Devils Lake State Park Wisconsin in F...

Adorable baby

Adorable babyBaby Harp SealSo adora...

Nature's Beauty

Nature's BeautyFire Cave, Lake Baikal, Russia - Photographed by CoolBieReAlcantara on the island of Cebu in the Philippi...

Awesome summer

Awesome summerPasjača beach, Konavle - CroatiaUnion Island, the Grenadi...

Flowers fields

Flowers fieldsPaintbrush Sunset by Richard SigginsRed and Gold, West Midlands region of England, by Verity Milli...

Awesome nature

Awesome natureMt. Fuji and autumn leaves, Fujikawaguchiko, Yamanashi, JapanAwesome sunset , Angkor Wat, Siem Reap, Cambo...

Fritillaria Crown Imperial

Fritillaria Crown ImperialFritillaria imperialis grows to about 1 m in height, and bears lance-shaped, glossy leaves at intervals along the stem. It bears a prominent whorl of downward facing flowers at the top of the stem, topped by a 'crown' of small leaves, hence the name. While the wild form is usually orange-red, various colours are found in cultivation, ranging from nearly a true scarlet through oranges to yellow. The pendulous flowers make...

Lovely Winter

Lovely winterThe Ice Caves of the Apostle Islands National Lakesh...

الثلاثاء، 28 أبريل 2015

Spotted pigeon - Spilopelia chinensis

Spotted pigeonThe spotted dove (Spilopelia chinensis) is a small and somewhat long-tailed pigeon which is a common resident breeding bird across its native range on the Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia. The species has been introduced into many parts of the world and feral populations have become established. This species was formerly included in the genus Streptopelia with other turtle-doves, but studies suggest that they differ from typical...

Pretty Parakeets

Pretty ParakeetsParakeet is a term for any one of a large number of small to medium-sized species of parrot, in multiple genera, that generally have long tail feathers. Older spellings still sometimes encountered are paroquet or paraq...