Orange flowers meaningIf one could capture and concentrate the sun, the result would be bright, luminous orange flowers. Orange flowers offer happiness and joy. To look upon a fresh orange flower bouquet is to immediately feel the warmth of loveOrange flowers also send the message of adventure. Imagine the feeling of waking up without any responsibilities on a beautiful and warm weekend day. The possibilities are endlessThis offer of adventure and...
Miss rose violetAn adorable story of triplets named Daffodil, Rose, and Violet. Daffodil dislikes the yellow dress her mother makes her wear so people can tell the girls apart-her sister Rose wearing pink while Violet wears violetEventually, Daffodil discovers, as does her mother, that Violet and Rose hate having to war the same colors all the time tooA lesson to be learned is here for children and parents alike, as well as bright, expressive illustrations...
My love is like a red roseOh, my love is like a red, red rose, that's newly sprung in June; Oh, my love is like the melody, that's sweetly played in tune. Robert BurnsCan anyone remember love? It's like trying to summon up the smell of roses in a cellar. You might see a rose, but never smell the perfume.Arthur Mil...
FuschiaThey flower profusely during cool weather so they are best suited as spring or fall flowers, or as winter flowers in mild climates Potted fuchsias grow well both indoors and outside if provided proper careDepartment of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 6 through 11 as perennials, depending on the variety, although you can enjoy them as potted annuals in any clim...
Mirror Bee Orchid FlowerHorny male insects, thinking that the petals are a female, land on them and engage in fruitless attempts to copulate “pseudocopulationDuring the barren act, the insects’ heads or bodies contact the orchids’ pollen sacs, which break off and attach to the insectThe frustrated insect flies off, but soon tries to copulate with another orchid, which puts the hitchhiking pollen in contact with the new orchid’s stigmaMirror Bee Orchid...
Orchid onlineIn nature, most orchids are epiphytes, meaning they grow on other objects, clinging to rough bark or even stoneThe showy orchids favored by most people are usually either phalaenopsis hybrids (so-called moth orchids) or dendrobium hybr...
Orchid careDuring the summer months, water it weekly and heavily. Let the water drench the roots and fill up the pebble tray (this will provide extra humidity). It doesn't hurt every so often to even put the plant in the kitchen sink and really soak it down. Don't worry, you won't kill it as long as it's allowed to dry out afterward. During the growing season, feed it weekly with a weak solution of a powder or liquid fertilizerIn the winter, keep...
Dreamy FlowersRemember your Love ! Flowers are not only sweet and romantic A fresh flower arrangement can lift your mood and brighten your spirit this time of y...
Orange FlowersOrange is a very common color for flowers, hence the list is very longSome of them are: Calendula, Marigolds, Gazania, Tithonia, Petunias, Montbretia , Crocosmia, Salpiglossis, Zinnias, Calceolaria, Pansy, Lantana, Asclepias Tuberosa, Canna, Campsis, etc. Send orange Flo...
Spring Hillside, Hokkaido, JapanHokkaido (北海道, Hokkaidō) is the second largest, northernmost and least developed of Japan's four main islands. Its weather is harsh in winter with lots of snowfall, below zero temperatures and frozen seas, while in summer it does not get as hot and humid as in the other parts of the countryWith its unspoiled nature, Hokkaido attracts many outdoor lovers, including skiers and snowboarders in the colder seasons and hikers,...
Flower delivery servicesFlower delivery services are broadly divided into four categories:Local floristLocal florist websites offer arrangements and bouquets for direct delivery in the geographic area physically serviced by their companies' own vans and personnel. This service is also known as "hand delivered" and has the advantage of presenting shoppers with the precise items available for delivery on a same-day basis. Local delivery charges are...
Order flowers onlineOrder flowers online services are websites that allow consumers to order flowers and related items by browsing an online catalogueThey are often delivered to a third party, the recipient of the g...
The Osiria Rose : a breathtaking beautyOsiria Rose The only source that I have found so far for the Osiria is a Canadian supplier, Palatine. Unfortunately they only have pick up of this variety and do not stock this co...
Blood red and Pure White Beauty : OsiriaOsiria is a hybrid tea rose. It is a very large flowered bush rose with dark green leaves. In summer and autumn, the fragrant, double flowers come out. They are just stunning. The one pictured here is deep burgundy on the edges and pure white closer to the stemAll roses are gorgeous, but some just take your breath away. The Osiria Rose is one of those. At this stage it is very hard to get...